EWOFS 2010

Suspended-core Fabry-Pérot temperature sensor interrogation through a dual wavelength Raman fiber laser

A. M. R. Pinto, Public University of Navarra (Spain); O. Frazão, J. L. Santos, INESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computers Engineering of Porto (Portugal); M. López-Amo, Public University of Navarra (Spain); J. Kobelke, K. Schuster, IPHT-Jena - Institute of Photonic Technology (Germany)

The interrogation of a suspended-core Fabry-Perot interferometric cavity through the illumination of a dual wavelength Raman fiber laser is reported. The proposed scheme is based on the use of a dual wavelength source for the generation of two quadrature phase-shifted signals that allows the recovery of the temperature change. The dual wavelength Raman fiber laser is based on fiber Bragg gratings combined with a virtual mirror. The use of this source allows a passive and accurate interrogation of the temperature variation, while taking advantage of the Rayleigh scattering growth as a virtual mirror in the laser.

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